Meet Ryker: Athlete of the Month


Ryker | 8 years old | Tae Kwon Do

Ryker shares with us that he has been doing Tae Kwon Do for one year and he likes it because, “ I feel like a superhero! And it’s fun to get action-y with the punches and kicks! I like to jump over things and practice new kicks. It gets your muscles and brain working!”

His mother shares, “Ryker has been struggling with medical issues which make him immune compromised and home a lot. He has anxiety and wears orthotics so his team at the hospital suggested signing up for Tae Kwon Do for both the physicality of it and because it builds confidence. As much as I loved the idea of it, I knew I couldn’t afford to send him there so our social worker at the hospital suggested I reach out to Athletics4Kids. We love to watch him through the window and hear how excited he is when explaining what he learned and what he can do…”

Every $200 you give helps keeps kids like Ryker in sports through our Sport4Life Grant Program. Please click here to give generously today.


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