Frequently Asked Questions
Application Frequently Asked Questions
Processing times can take 4-6 weeks depending on how long it takes to contact your sports organization and sponsor. If checking the status of your application, please wait at least 4 weeks. Applications are not considered complete and received until ALL information is received. Payments will be sent directly to the sports organization within 2 weeks of being approved.
Applicants must be between the ages of 5 and 18 years old and must be enrolled in school. Net family income must be under $45,000 a year (this is not dependant on number of children). If the child is in foster care we accept an application with no financial documents required and just proof of this. Please see document Eligible Sports for a list of sports supported by A4K (ie recognized by Sport BC). A4K only funds programs in BC. A4K does not fund school run programs or elite programs (only community programs – we don’t fund the educational system but if the program is offered by a separate entity outside of the school and uses the school’s facilities that is acceptable) or short programs (ie 1 week, though we have funded 3 weeks worth of swimming in the past).
Please apply 6-8 weeks before the start of the sports program to allow for processing times and avoid extended funding delays to your child's sports organization. Start of play as determined by the sporting organization.
Applications for funding must be submitted:
• No later than 14 days after the start of play for a program that is less than 3 months long
• No later than 30 days after the start of play for a program that is more than 3 months long
**We do not accept applications more than 3 months before the start date of a program. If there are extenuating circumstances (ie your child will lose their spot without funding) then we will take those into consideration.
You can see a full list of A4K eligible sports here as well as sports we do not cover.
Financial Documents
Each applicant is required to submit the following from each of the primary caregivers (parents/guardians):
PRIMARY CAREGIVER: Parent or guardian who is at least partially financially responsible for the child or whom the child lives with at least part time.
One of the following:
• A copy of your most recent Child Tax Benefit Statement (preferable over NOA). There are different versions of the Child Tax Benefit Statement, please make sure it clearly states your marital status and net family income.
• A copy of your most recent Notice of Assessment (NOA) from Revenue Canada. After July 1, 2024 we require your 2023 NOA.
• Proof that the child is in foster care (we do not require proof of income for foster families at this time).
**If your net family income is under $10,000 and you are not receiving social assistance we will require additional financial documentation showing how you are making ends meet.
Yes. We require the mailing address and e-mail of a contact person within the sports organization (preferably the registrar). You must also include the final registration fees for the course along with any other funding you may be receiving.
Yes, we will confirm registration with the sports club before we issue the Sport4Life grant.
If approved, a4k will pay a maximum of 100% of the sports registration fee up to the funding threshold for that sport. Each sport has a funding threshold based on sports registration fees at a province wide recreational level. Each child may receive up to $450 per 12 months (date starts on the first day of the first grant). Funding for some sports (multi-session and year-round sports) is disbursed in a 3 month lump sum (see below).
For programs, such as martial arts, gymnastics, swimming and skating that are ongoing throughout the year, A4K will provide funding up to a maximum of 3 months. To continue receiving funding after these 3 months, you must re-apply with a new application
To re-apply you must submit a new application form. However, you might not need to fill in each section. The sponsor section only needs to be submitted once every 12 months. If you are unsure whether the 12 months has passed, please send us an email or give us a call. Your financial information needs to be renewed after July 1st of every year regardless of when your last application was made. Again, if you are unsure if it will be required, please send us an email or give us a call. The Athlete Information and Sports Organization section must always be filled out.
You only need to include the financial documentation and sponsor information with one application. However, each child must have their own separate application form filled in.
You must send in a new application form with only the Athlete and Sports Organization information filled in. The date of your first application will be honoured if there were extenuating circumstances for this change. Please make a note on the application that this is the second application with new sports info.
Please make sure to include the barcode for this sport as listed by the community sport as well as the start and end dates of this program.
A4K will only provide funding for one sporting activity at a time. That is, for two sports running concurrently, only one application may be submitted. Each applicant is eligible for coverage of more than one sport in a 12 month period as long as the sports are not concurrent. Please be sure to include your e-mail contact information on every form submitted so that we can inform you when your application has been approved or denied.
Processing times can take 4-8 weeks (depending on contact with the sport organization and the sponsor). Applications are not considered complete and received until ALL information is received (i.e sponsor contact info, correct sports info, financial documents.)
A4K will:
Review your application for eligibility, required information and financial documents. (Incomplete forms will not be processed.)
Contact the sports organization to confirm the applicant is registered and to verify registration fees.
Notify you of our decision via e-mail. If you do not use e-mail we will contact you via telephone.
Send out all cheques to the respective sports organizations (up to two weeks after being approved). Please include the full mailing address for the sports organization in your application.
If checking the status of your application, please wait at least 3 weeks. A cheque will be sent to the sports organization within 2 weeks of being approved . If you have already paid the sports organization, they will need to process the refund.
Please feel free to re-apply for your next 3 months, if applicable, before you have received notification of your first application.
The sports organizations may choose to wait for funding from a4k or ask for funding from the family upon registration. This is up to the discretion of the sports organization. If the family pays upon registration and the athlete is approved for funding assistance from a4k, the sports organization is responsible for reimbursing the family the amount granted by a4k. Funding will always be granted to the sports organization directly in the name of the athlete applying for assistance and never directly to the family.
Please email or call our Program Administrator at applications@a4k.ca or (604) 838 7529.
Office hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Phone calls monitored daily.
Please give 24 hours for a return call.